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In the main menu -> View -> Options  there are several options you can configure.


Sort File List. This option defines how  Handy Viewer internally sorts the list of files in the current folder for navigation when you use the "Next" / "Previous" buttons.

By default the files are sorted by name (Logic order). But you can choose any other type of sorting: by Name, by Size, by Date or no sorting (the files will appear as they are in the file system).


Zoom. Here you can configure the Quality Filter. The High Quality Bicubic  filter is the best, but is may be slow on weak hardware and may not work on older Windows versions (older than Windows 10).


Background. The background color (area outsize the image) can be adjusted here. There are two separate settings:

- background color for windowed mode;

- and background color for the Full screen mode and slideshows. In most cases users prefer black background when they view photos on full screen.


Slideshow. The delay between images can be configured here.


Language. Select preferred language of interface.