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Line tool can be activated through the main menu -> Paint ->  Line -> ...

Or you can click at the following button on the Painting Tools panel:


(you can open this panel through the main menu -> Paint -> Show Paint Tools).

There are three types of the line tool:

1. Line. Draws a single line between two points.

2. Polyline. Draws polyline. Click on the image to create new point of polyline. Press ENTER to end the creation of polyline. Or press ESC to cancel the creation.

3. Freehand. This is a kind of polyline where you don't need to click to create the point of polyline. The points are created automatically with high frequency. So the final line looks like drawing with brush.

You can adjust the color of the line, the thickness and opacity (%).

Note: The Line tool creates new line layer, it becomes visible in the layers list. You can select other line layer by clicking on it. You can also edit the position of the points of line.

clip0064 - click at this button to open Layer Properties window. Here you can adjust a lot of other properties.